Work With US
Insurance Carriers
We work with any insurance carrier to bid on and buy vehicles directly from the vehicle owner before repairs are made.
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Repair Shops
We work with repair shops for leads to sell us vehicles and ClaimBuyout Direct Repair Program to fix and repair vehicles in specific markets.
Banks & Finance Companies
We work with financial companies and banks to assist those looking to sell and replace their vehicle after an accident.
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It's Simple, Fast, And Easy To Do
ClaimBuyout Will Forever Change How People Think About Selling and Replacing Their Vehicle After an Accident Instead of Repairing It
Vehicle owners now have another option for getting rid of their repairable vehicles after an accident and before it’s repaired. Once they've seen their repair estimate, they can make a more informed decision that works best for them.
Find out how we can take your customer satisfaction levels through the roof by offering ClaimBuyout at FNOE (First Notice of Estimate)!
We manage the title paperwork, lien payoff, and vehicle pickup.
There is NO charge to the vehicle owner for our services.
Industry Perspective
As vehicle technologies advance, the complexity of post-accident repairs increases accordingly. Once a vehicle is deemed repairable after an accident, ClaimBuyout has emerged as a valuable option that customers increasingly recognize as beneficial. They appreciate its speed and convenience, supported by our transparent approach to determining vehicle buyout offers. They like the speed and convenience, and we make it easy to understand how we came to our offer to buy their vehicle.
Each customer’s situation is unique and different.
Customers choose ClaimBuyout because their vehicle is too damaged (not a toal loss), or the parts are going to take months due to supply chain issues. Our team of industry experts take the time to help throughout the process.
It’s no surprise that the amount of time it takes to close a claim, the cycle time and customer satisfaction are closely aligned. Our job is to assist insurance providers with a guaranteed ClaimBuyout Offer as an additional option for their customers.